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An Introduction to Digital Fabric Printing

At MMI Textiles, we’ve been providing the textile industry with high-quality products and unmatched integrity and service since 1997. 

A large part of our success comes from going the extra mile to make our customers’ lives a little easier, which is why we’ve recently started to offer proprietary digital fabric printing services. 

Contact MMI today if digital printing fits your textile needs.


A Printing Alternative

With digital fabric printing a computer takes a design and applies the ink directly on a fabric. 

MMI’s digital fabric printing process is more complicated than your print shop down the street, as we have a proprietary process that ensures that our products are top of the line. Customers can submit designs as a digital file that we can use to print what you need.

How is Digital Fabric Printing Different from Traditional Fabric Printing? 

Traditional fabric printing is good for large runs and pre-approved designs – military stock 500D Nylon, for example – but digital printing can offer you more freedom when it comes to how big your order needs to be and how fast it can get be ready. 

Here are a couple of reasons why digital fabric printing may fit your needs better than a traditional option.

Need for Speed

If you’ve ever told a converter “I need it yesterday,” you’re going to love our digital printing service. No, it doesn’t change the flow of time, but it gets close. While traditional production runs can take several weeks, digital printing can be completed in as little as a week or two. That’s fast.

Much Smaller Minimum Requirements

Worried that your job might not meet the minimum requirements for an order? Instead of having to run thousands of yards of fabric, a digital printing run can be for as little as 10 yards. 

The minimum yardage requirement is perfect for smaller orders or for testing purposes. That way you won’t need to break the bank on a batch that may or may not be what you need, but you won’t know until you see it.

Try the Digital Solution

If digital printing sounds like a good option for your fabric needs, contact us today to get the process started.

Keep an eye out for our next post on digital printing that will include a list of essential questions for your digital print project.

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