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3 Proven Ways to Get the Fabric You're Looking For

We have seen it all when it comes to trying to source and buy fabric for projects. Whether it is a tactical project, a commercial project, a medical project, or something totally different – we can help. It can be overwhelming and sometimes just plain exhausting to spend time trying to find exactly what you need and we want to avoid that at all costs. Our fabric experts have heard all the questions and in most cases found all the answers so I asked around and found out the best tips they have for someone who is trying to find the best fabric for their project.


Be specific.

If you know exactly what color, kind, and weight of the fabric you need then let whoever you are working with know. It can make the process much quicker if you cut to chase and give the nitty gritty details of the fabric you need. If you aren’t sure, that’s okay, too! You can still be specific by describing the project you need the fabric, hardware, or other component for. It’s also important to know if there is any special qualities like fire resistance or berry compliancy that you need the fabric to be.

Ask for samples.

Our office is filled with samples. They are literally everywhere. And we have them so that we can send them out to people just like you who are looking to find something that works. Our team is extra experienced at getting fabrics out quickly and then following up with you. So if you let us know something you are interested in seeing and feeling than we can get it to you ASAP! After you get the samples…

Ask questions.

Yep, ask away. It’s better for all parties involved if you ask questions about everything. You can see our most frequently asked questions, right here. Lead times, costs, and where it is coming from are all important things that you deserve to know. Any question that provides value to you if worth asking and we want to make sure we cover all our bases. Call as many times as you need and keep in mind that you making sure you are as knowledgeable about the process as you want to be if the focus. Whether it’s email or phone calls, ask as many questions as you want.


After doing these three things, it’s up to whoever you are communicating with to do the rest. Once we get all the necessary information, we can conduct our most thorough search to find the product you want. When dealing with MMI, things are a little easier because we have a lot of stock options and an incredible network of sources that we can contact to get the right thing. Our 19 years of experience comes in handy. If you are new to the textile world, then welcome and I hope these tips are helpful! On the contrary, if are seasoned in the industry then I hope these are a good reminder. Our MMI team is standing by help, so as usual feel free to call at 440.899.8050 or shoot us an email at



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